Is Your Daughter Going into High School?

Girls Going into High School

If so, this post is for you!

You see, I had this idea about 2 weeks ago as I wrapped up a busy coaching week. It dawned on me that I am currently working with six middle school girls who are nervous about their transition to high school. And all six of those girls have parents who are worried about their daughter going into high school!

Do you remember what that was like? Going into high school is one of life’s scarier transitions for most girls. Their minds swirl with anxious thoughts about getting lost on the first day, making new friends, and who to sit with at lunch. Girls ask me, “will classes be harder?”, “Will teachers like me?”, “Am I smart enough?.” It’s about this time of year, every year that I switch my focus to setting their minds at ease. Yes, going into high school can be scary, but it can be really amazing too.

Going into high schoolI remember what it was like to be in 8th grade. Do you? Here is a picture to give you a visual on what things were like for me. I was teased, but no more than the next kid. I had big hair, a strange sense of humor, and felt a little uncomfortable in my own skin. The one thing that made the transition into high school easier for me, was my great group of friends. I’ve spent some time reflecting on the importance of strong friendships as you move into high school and I worry that for many of my clients, and 8th grade girls in general, perhaps those friendships aren’t as strong as they could be.

So Back to My Idea…What if I formed a group especially for girls who are going into high school next year?

How cool would it be to have a place to talk freely about your worries and fears? Even more importantly, imagine how powerful it would be for 8th grade girls to have a special group of friends that liked them exactly for who they are? I think it could change everything. We could meet once a month to talk candidly about topics like self-esteem, body image, relationships, peer pressure, making great choices, and being true to yourself.

You know your daughter better than anyone. If she were to be part of this group, what would you hope she would gain? Are there topics you would want her to explore, or tools that you would want her to learn?
And whether or not you have a daughter going into high school, please consider joining our conversation on Facebook!

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas! Click here–>Join the conversation

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” C.S. Lewis