The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Tidying up
Inspired by Marie Kondo
Implemented by Jamie Shannon


Traditionally speaking, teenagers aren’t well known for being neat and organized. Parents are frustrated that the clothes they buy for their kids end up crumpled in a pile, making their carpet virtually invisible. I hear horror stories of discarded fast food bags, and moldy late night snacks hiding under beds.
Truth be told, I used to classify myself as a novice hoarder. I’m pretty sure that some of my family members might have said that my problem was full blown. It had been years since my cars spent the night in my garage because my garage became a catch-all for those things that are just so dang hard to get rid of. You know, things like baby toys, baby clothes (just maybe we will have another…), tools, & sporting equipment (just in case). My garage clutter spilled into my house in the form of rooms overfilled by toys, keepsakes, and clothes that brought very little joy. I constantly heard Oprah’s voice in my head saying, “your home should rise up and great you when you walk through the door.” That was definitely not the case in my home.
So, I can relate to my messy clients. It sounds cheesy, but my life literally changed when I read Marie Kondo’s, “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” I was mesmerized by her words and totally swept up by the possibility that I could free myself from the clutter and have a beautiful, organized home. The moment I finished the book, I began the process of tidying up. It’s been 2 years and I’m happy to report that I can park not one, but TWO cars in my garage and my home most definitely rises up to great me when I get home. As an added bonus, I get goose bumps when I glance in my closet. It’s emptier than it’s ever been but full of clothing I truly love. My drawers are organized, and half are EMPTY. I’ve found I don’t need most of the storage I have because I have discarded the things that bog me down. Somehow, knowing that my drawers are neat and organized gives me peace as I walk through the rooms of my home. I am transformed!

The best part is now I get to visit the homes of my clients and help them experience the same joy. With my clients, we start by focusing on their clothes, and their rooms, but frequently other family members catch the bug and entire houses are transformed.
If you really want your world to be turned upside down, check out Marie’s youtube videos on the proper way to fold your clothing. I’m completely addicted. “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” is my vote for the most inspirational book of the year (or decade for that matter)! It has changed the way I live, the way I shop, and most importantly, the way I feel. Marie Kondo, I am a huge fan. Thank you.
Click here–> Tidying upWS to download the guide I use with my clients for FREE ☺ And order that book today, you won’t regret it!